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I have over 15 years of experience leading teams, designing interfaces, researching ideas, and shipping products. 


My passion is in mentoring and developing teams of designers to create amazing user experiences. I set clear objectives, manage project requirements and allocate resources accordingly across a variety of projects, hitting deadlines and ensuring my team is set up for success. I collaborate across disciplines with user research, product management, engineering, strategy, and marketing to provide a smooth product design process.

I have received awards from I.D. Magazine, Art Directors Club, the Type Director’s Club, AIGA—and in 2007 I was selected by Print Magazine as one of the year’s “New Visual Artists: 20 Talents Under 30.”  As an adjunct professor at Parsons School of Design from 2004 – 2014, I taught classes on visual design and design thinking.

In 2020 I graduated from the Type@Cooper Extended Program with a Postgraduate Certificate in Typeface Design through the Continuing Education Department of The Cooper Union.


Say Hello

djchroma at gmail dot com

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Product Design
Meta, 2018 – Present

VP of Design 
Vroom, 2015 – 2018

Design Director
Originate, 2014 – 2015

Head of Design
Skillbridge, 2013 – 2014

Parsons School of Design
Part-time Faculty Member,
2004 – 2014

Design Director
Quirky, 2012 – 2013